I had a life changing moment this month and I would like to share about it, here.
If you have met me sometime down the line of my last 28 years I have probably mentioned to you my Oprah obsession. Now no, I won't follow this lady down the rabbit hole but I have enjoyed watching her show for the last 10+ years and well I've learned some mighty fine lessons from this lady. Ranging from practical things like how to fold the elastic under-sheet of your bed that never wants to sit nicely, to more intense things like if kidnapped "never let them take you to a second location" and most of all for life lessons "god can dream a bigger dream for you then you can dream for yourself".
She always seems to have an insightful thing to say about a subject but what I like most of all about Oprah is like me she is a people person. She is not comfortable behind a desk she has found her calling helping the masses and well thats one thing that we do have in common. We feed off the energy of strangers.
So it was not surprising when I sat down to take a moment and watch her "Masters Class". A simple concept of a show where "masters" of their trade sit one on one with a camera and talk about the simple life lessons that they have learned in their travels and experiences.
I knew that when I tuned in I was going to see something magical, but I didn't have a clue that in the next 60 minutes a big weight would be lifted off my shoulders.
Now stay with me here.
At the end of the hour Oprah starts to talk about 'Staying true to your calling' and the reasons why she makes the decisions she does. And she started to tell a story. Goosebumps started to form. She said...
"I think that there is a great mystery that none of us will really fully get until we take the last breath... I believe it will all become very clear in the last breath".
Oprah then talks of a guest that had lost her son after a year of illness..."In the last moment's she crawled into bed with him and as he way dying, his last words were, 'Oh mom, it was so easy'. And closed his eyes and died. Oprah said that this was another big moment in her life...thinking, "why did I struggle so hard? It was so easy..."
And with that it was as if someone hit me on the side of the head with a brick.
This life is soooooo easy. What we are doing here on earth is a privilege. The opportunities I have are blessings. I'm responsible for my own space here, why waste it with anything other than surrendering to the flow? When in flow life is easy and simple. I need to get back to that flow.
Since seeing this show I've been looking at things in a different way and a lot clearer.
For example take a look at these. How can I not think how great I have it and how easy this whole game is.
I have a great family with people who are smart intelligent and fun.
My friends have taught me so much and we have so much fun together... maybe too much
I'm lucky to have my health and opportunities to do cool things that put a smile on my face.
So I gotta ask... who has got it better then me?
Take time this weekend to understand how easy you have it. You won't regret it. Trust me.
'Oh mom, it was so easy' I am struggling so very hard to understand how to apply this I feel like he may have meant that passing over to the other side was not scary and so easy...i don't know but Oprah called this her MOST memorable interview so could you help me better understand it...I really need the inspiration in my life because I've suffered for the past 9 months with the pressure and stress of life thank you for your time.