Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where Are You Now?

Hello everybody and happy Tuesday. Its my final day of work before I leave to go on vacation so as you can expect I'm a tad excited to hit the road. Anyways, I wanted to spend some time today and talk about the new Mumford & Sons album "Babel" that I downloaded yesterday and spent a good portion of my evening listening to. 

The more and more I listened to it the more and more it grew on me until I came to the score of an 8.5 out of 10. Yes I know that is a pretty high score for a sophomore album but it deserves it. Instead of just canning up an album full of easy songs the band has taken this album to really make a statement about the type of music they are making. The statement being: "We make good quality music, with great grooves, amazing lyrics and a beat that will make you tap your foot no matter how hard you try not to". And after giving "Babel" a listen its pretty safe to say that Mumford & Sons are not going anywhere any time soon. 

Now for some cuts off the album. First off is one of my favorites "Where Are You Now". Its obviously about someone thinking about a broken relationship and thinking about if that person still has you on your mind or even more simply about what they are doing right now. Its mellow. The lyrics are fantastic and its the last song on the album which I always appreciate a band that can close an album out on such a solid note.

"Where are you now?
Do you ever think of me, in the quiet, in the crowd"

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