Friday, February 1, 2013

This Is What I Have To Deal With

Being a Phish fan is hard work. As much as you don't feel like you have to defend your favorite band every two or three days, it seems like everyone out there loves to hate a lot more than they love to leave us alone. 

For example Ben Shapiro who writes for wrote a great piece of trash this morning labeled: "Phish has been a band for 30 years now and they have sucked the entire time" (and no I will not provide a link to it because he just wants attention and I don't want to give him the clicks). Usually I will just let these stupid comments and articles go by without bothering me its when I read things like:

"The caliber of Phish's fan base is a classic, time-honored reason to hate the band as much as the Khmer Rouge. Phish fans are basically dead-eyed jocks that are too drugged-up to rape. They're often referred to as "Wookies," a reference to the slack-jawed, non-verbal state they perennially exist in following consumption of olympic amounts of lysergic acid diethylamide. Most of these people are harmless enough, if you consider the vegetarian, cross-dressing sons of chemical biologists with names like "Murph-nugget" harmless." 
Yes because I don't know if you know me or my friends... but that surely sounds like us.
Seriously? I can not believe someone gave you a job? You sound like a bitter tween. 
Why take time out of your day to judge me and my friends for liking a band that makes us happy? How many of you find yourself defending the things you love on an almost daily basis or deal with instant snap judgments as soon as the words come out of your mouth. 
As much as I try to ignore it I can't. I am sick and tired of defending what makes me happy.

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