Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Working For Rosie

Okay world. I've been reading over and over again that the more you put what you want out into the world that it will come back to you. (Yes another Oprah lesson...but it comes full circle here)

This post will either make you want to read more of this blog or just turn and run within the first few minutes. 

I am right now in the process of figuring out how to apply to work for Rosie O'Donnell on her new show out in Chicago. Wait what? 

Yes. I'm going to do it. Never before has the stars aligned in this sort of way, its almost the world telling me to do it. Okay let me explain a little bit for you. The last few years I have had this undying urge to move to Chicago. Yes Chicago.

Something about the city and the energy there is where I need to be. So I've been slowly planing seeds, telling people plans, figuring out how this can actually happen, so that when the time comes, I will be ready to go full speed to Chicago. I've made it for a loose five year plan, but I'd be happy to go tomorrow. Not that I hate Richmond. I love it. Which is why I think that I would love a new city. Never outstay your welcome right? Long Island 2 years, New Jersey 10 + years, Harrisonburg 4 years, Richmond 6 years. Yeah I would say its about time to go.

So that being said, what in the world would I do out there in Chicago? Well at first the obvious answer popped into my mind. I'll work for Oprah! But by the time I figured that this was my calling, she well... decided to end her show. Booooo. 

Well as luck would have it, Oprah has made her OWN network. Literally. Its called OWN. And one of her first talk shows she is backing is none other than Rosie O'Donnell's new show. And wait for it.... its going to be filmed on Oprah's old stage. 

Holy crap. This is my opportunity. 

Now I know you might be saying to yourself... um... Katie.... work in tv??? 

Yes I know. And yes I can! Why? 

Because I'm a people person. I'm a hard worker. I would literally do anything that you would want me to. I'm a little creative. I know more about pop culture than anyone. Oh and did I mention that Rosie is my other hero? Yeah. It all started back when she played a part in my all time favorite movie. "A League of their Own" A movie that I said to a friend last week "I don't know but no matter when I pass it on TV I have to stop and watch...have to!" 
Rosie was just incredible in it. From there I was riding my "All things Rosie" bus. I'll never forget the day my dad took me to see Greece. She was amaaaaazing. From there I watched her tv show, read her magazine, watched her host various awards show, shit I even watched her on The View. 

So yeah you have to think about my reaction to the news she was headed to Chicago to film her show.

So okay here it goes. I'm putting it out there. Rosie. Let me work for you!! I will do anything. I'm a college graduate who has been busting her ass at non profits for the last 7 years. I'm ready for a change and well as you can see, this is what I'm meant to do. Lets make this happen! 

Okay world, its up to you now.

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