Thursday, April 26, 2012

And I Return

Sorry for my brief absence this week. I had some personal family issues to deal with and when that type of stuff happens everything in life gets thrown out. Lucky for you everyone is doing better and I'm back to doing what I love. Reading and writing about music and other ridiculous things on this blog. I will say one thing before I start here today. Big shout out to my little brother who has been nothing short of a rock star this week. I feel oddly comfortable with him dealing with medical crisis's that arise in my family and we are damn lucky to have him. His ability to keep everyone calm and "dumb down" medical terms for me to understand has been a blessing. Way to go Rick, you are going to make a fantastic doctor one day soon.

Also one more thing. Most of you know that I live in Richmond, VA while my family resides up in northern NJ. 99.8% of the time this distance is good for everyone. I miss my family, they miss me, I'm allowed to create a life for myself here and be proud that I moved to a city where I knew two people and seven years later I love what I have created. Yet every once in a while you start to feel like you are missing out by not being around the ones you love. Obviously when big things like this happen but its also for the little things. Its never really bothered me until this week when I found myself longing to be in my parents house (something that usually never happens). It is true that distance makes the heart grow fonder and while my family is not perfect I love them so much and thank them for allowing me to be away and understand that I can not be there for everything but that I am always there in spirit. 

So today my heart is with them and this next song is for them too. xoxo

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